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0 Heii Guys

Heii Guys <3 This is Miley Cyrus X M Love You!! I am Miley! <3 Good-Bye Users!

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Comments • 2

GumBallOoN 20 March 2011  
thoamne ce copil ia dat Dumnezeu lu masa..cat de prosti ne crezi ca suntem??Cine Miley naibii sta pe deget sa vb cu noi hai ma ce draq..aia sta si fumeaza iarba ,danseaza etc..are timp de noi la ce face ea ..hai ma ma lasi..
xMiiileyL0ve 20 March 2011  
=. Hey , I am a fan , too . I understand your love for Miley . I mean that`s the reason you pose as her .. Don`t LOSE your Life .. Get one .
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